BigBrotherFanon Wiki

Third Season of Total Drama Big Brother.


  • Evictees Revenge: After someone is EVICTED they will become CO-HOH with whoever wins. The HOH will nominate two people like normally, but the Evictee will get to nominate someone as well making three nominees. This will begin Week 2.
  • Bribe: During the week 7 Endurance HOH competition there is a Red buzzer in the middle of the backyard. Whoever wants to (Besides past HOH) they can quit the HOH comp and the GAME if the press the buzzer and they will be rewarded with $25,000. They will be sent to Jury.



Week 1[]

 Nominee 0 Votes 
 Evicted 13 Votes 

16 players enter the BB house for the first time for a chance at $500,000. Everyone meet and greets, but no alliances are made right off the bat. The first Head of Household competition is played where Eva is the first person in power. Eva brings Bernie and Chase into the HOH room where she tells them she wants to make a final three deal with them. She believes they are the strongest players in the house and deserve to go far. Bernie and Chase agree to the alliance and they begin discussing nominations. Eva wants the weaker people to go as they "don't deserve to stay". Bernie mentions Harold as a weaker player. Eva agrees, but thinks he may get targeted for his veteran status and explains she wants Shelley to go first. Shelley has been annoying some of the housemates due to her annoying obsessive talking and dramatic opinions. Chase explains that people seem to really like Violetta and could be used as a pawn. Courtney pulls Eva, Harold, Owen and Noah aside for a veterans alliance. Owen asks Eva cautiously who she plans on nominating as he is still very afraid of her. She says she wants a weak player gone like Shelley. Courtney says she is fine with it.Noah, Owen and Harold agree. After they split up Courtney talks about possibly targeting Harold after Shelley. She explains he is untrustworthy after he cheated her out during TDI and voted off Leshawna in TDA. Eva takes this into consideration, but no promises are made. At the nomination ceremony, Eva nominates Shelley and Violetta for eviction. Shelley cries after nominations making Eva want her out even more. Violetta asks Eva publicly why she was nominated, but Eva ignored her not needing a confrontation. Violetta keeps pushing Eva to tell her angering Eva. Eva yells at Violetta telling her to shut up or she will be the target. Violetta moves on not wanting to be evicted. Bernie, Courtney and Jay are chosen to play in the veto competition. At the POV competition Courtney wins. Eva tells Courtney not to use the veto or she will literally kill her. Courtney promises, but still has a one on one with both nominees to hear their offers. When Courtney talks to Violetta, Violetta says she needs a ride or die in this game and Courtney could be her number one. Courtney takes it into consideration, but doesn't want to be murdered by Eva. When she talks to Shelley, Shelley just starts crying and complaining about how unfair this is, annoying Courtney greatly. At the veto ceremony Courtney doesn't use it, but insures Violetta she will survive and she will help her in this game moving forward. After the veto ceremony Courtney and Violetta try to form an all-girls alliance. They pull in Tiffany, Melanie and Jonna. They don't want Eva, because Eva hates girls and not Jaiden, because Jaiden and Shaw seem to be forming a showmance that would be dangerous to a girls alliance. They are pretty sure the whole house is sick of Shelley and will evict her over Violetta. Owen, Noah, Harold and Courtney discuss the vote, Harold wants to blindside Violetta, but is shut down right away by Courtney who says this week is an easy week. Owen and Noah agree, so Harold drops it. Bernie, Chase and Eva pull Shaw into their alliance, but with Shaw comes Jaiden upsetting Eva. Jaiden promises she is a strong player and will not let Eva down. By a vote of 13-0 Shelley is evicted.

Votes for Shelley: Tiffany, Melanie, Jaiden, Jonna, Jay, Owen, Noah, Shaw, Harold, Chase, Bernie, Carlos, & Courtney

Votes for Violetta: None

Week 2[]

 POV Pre-Nom 
 Nominee 0 Votes 
 Nominee 3 Votes 
 Evicted 8 Votes 


After Shelley is evicted Don reveals to her she will get to make the third nominee this week. The house has no idea about this recurring twist this season. All they are told is that a third nominee will be nominated, but they won't know how or by who. At the next HOH competition Melanie is the winner. Melanie reports to her all-girls alliance about possibly back dooring Eva. She is seen as the biggest threat to their alliance. They suggest nominating two boys as pawns to hopefully win veto. They suggest Chase and Bernie seeing as they look the strongest in comparison of the guys. Melanie talks to Owen and Noah about nominations, because she is a super-fan who loved watching them in the past. Noah suggests nominating Jaiden and Shaw. A strong guy and weaker girl. He doesn't want Melanie to make the stronger guys mad. She doesn't want to nominate them together, because they are a showmance. Owen suggests Carlos. Melanie would rather nominate Carlos and Jaiden or Carlos and Shaw. At the nomination ceremony, Melanie nominates Carlos and Jaiden for eviction. She explains they haven't talked and she doesn't know where they stand. After nominations Jaiden goes to Shaw for support. Shaw promises to save her if he is picked for veto and wins. Carlos being alone tries to align himself with Harold and Noah seeing them as the smarter players. Noah doesn't seem into it, while Harold is ecstatic. At the veto picking Don reveals there will be a third nomination by a mystery player every week from now on. The third nomination is revealed to be Eva. Eva angered takes a seat in the nomination seat. Harold and Tiffany are chosen to play in the POV competition. Eva ends up winning the POV. Eva and her alliance celebrate over her victory. At the POV ceremony Eva used the POV to save herself, and the replacement nominee is revealed to be Shaw. Shaw and Jaiden begin to freak out as they are both on the block. Chase, Bernie and Eva insure them both that Carlos will be evicted. Eva pulls Courtney, Harold, Noah and Owen aside to make sure they are evicting Carlos. They all lie to her face about their true intentions. Noah and Owen have an alliance with Carlos and they want to keep it true. Courtney is in an all-girls alliance with Melanie who wants Shaw to be evicted. At the eviction the vote is 8-3-0 and Shaw is evicted.

Votes for Shaw: Tiffany, Jonna, Jay, Owen, Noah, Harold, Violetta & Courtney

Votes for Carlos: Chase, Bernie & EvaVotes for Jaiden: None

Week 3[]

 POV Pre-Nom 
 Nominee 1 Vote 
 Nominee 2 Votes 
 Evicted 7 Votes 

After Shaw is evicted the next HOH competition is held where Chase is the winner and crowned new Head of Household. Chase and his alliance feel they needed this HOH after Shaw's blindside. They want to target the players that betrayed Eva's trust. Chase suggests nominating Harold and Courtney, so they will be at each others throats. Eva thinks that Harold is no threat and suggests nominating Courtney with Melanie. Tiffany decides it'd be best to try to align herself with the stronger people of the house. Chase asks her whose idea it was to get rid of Shaw when he was nominated. Tiffany knows Melanie was the head of the operations to send Shaw home, but she doesn't want her alliance member to go up, so she throws Owen and Noah's names under the bus. In shock Eva tells Chase to nominate them and if they are pulled down, Melanie or Courtney will be nominated. At the nomination ceremony Chase reveals he has nominated Noah and Owen for eviction. Noah seemingly doesn't care while Owen begins to whimper like a puppy with a hurt leg. Noah thinks another guy will be nominated with the third nominee twist and hopes it's a bigger threat than himself and Owen. At the veto choosing Shaw's anonymous nominee is revealed to be Melanie. Tiffany and Harold are chosen to play in the POV competition. Harold promises both Noah and Owen that he will save them if he were to win, but he actually plans to throw it, so he doesn't get put in the position to choose. Tiffany also promises Melanie she will save her, but wants to throw it, so she doesn't piss off the stronger alliance. At the POV competition, Noah wins the veto power. Noah plans to save himself leaving Chase with a spot to fill. Chase suggests nominating Courtney and sending her packing, but Eva says they need more alliance members and thinks she can pull in Courtney and Tiffany. She thinks they are stronger and more useful than Jaiden. They decide a pawn will suffice. At the veto ceremony Noah saves himself and Jay is nominated for eviction. Jay talks to Chase who promises Jay he is just a pawn and should get no votes to leave. Jay believes him and lays low for the week. Melanie tries to rally her troops to save her. Melanie gets her alliance Jonna, Violetta, Tiffany and Courtney to promise her their votes, but Courtney and Tiffany are pulled aside by Eva who wants to form an alliance with them promising them she will keep them safe. They agree, but they have to evict Melanie leaving them in a difficult decision. Jonna and Violetta decide Owen should go thinking they can pull in Jay next week. Carlos and Harold don't think Jay is going anywhere and think Melanie should go as she nominated Carlos last week. Noah wants to save Owen, but doesn't want to vote for Melanie, so he throws his vote to Jay. By a vote of 7-2-1 Melanie is evicted.

Votes for Melanie: Tiffany, Jaiden, Eva, Harold, Bernie, Carlos & Courtney

Votes for Owen: Violetta & Jonna

Votes for Jay: Noah

Week 4[]

 POV Pre-Nom 
 Nominee 0 Votes 
 Nominee 1 Vote 
 Evicted 8 Votes 

Following Melanie's eviction the next Head of Household competition is held where Noah is crowned the winner. Noah and his alliance Owen, Harold and Carlos come together to talk about nominations. Noah says he wants Chase out before anyone. Owen explains he is scared of Eva and she needs to go soon. Carlos believes they would need to backdoor one of them, so they can't go crazy all week. Noah and Owen don't want to do thus. They want to nominate them both, so for sure one is on the block at the end of the week. Carlos tries to reason and explain they need to be smart, but Noah is stubborn. Eva gets Noah, Harold, Owen and Courtney together trying to get the veterans alliance good again, so she isn't nominated. They all insure her she is safe, but all of them are planning on evicting her if given the opportunity. At the nomination ceremony, Noah nominates Chase and Bernie for eviction. Noah explains to Chase that he was nominated by him the week before and this is just a little revenge, and Bernie is a pawn but is guilty by association. Bernie and Chase wonder why Eva wasn't nominated. They come to the conclusion she may be working with the other veterans and decide to drop her from their alliance. At the veto choosing the third nominee is revealed to be Eva. Eva is angered she is nominated, but stays calm so she may be safe. Noah and Owen are disappointed by this outcome, because they were hoping to backdoor Eva. Jaiden and Jay are chosen to pay in Veto. At the POV competition Eva wins another competition. With Noah and Owen needing to decide whether to target Bernie or Chase it becomes fairly easy which is the correct choice as Chase nominated Noah before. At the Veto ceremony Eva saves herself and the replacement is shown to be Jaiden. It seems as though Courtney and Noah bring their sides together to target the Eva/Bernie/Chase alliance to take them down. Everyone is in agreement to evict Chase, except Eva who is trying to get Courtney on her side so Jaiden will go. By a vote of 8-1-0 Chase is evicted.

Votes for Chase: Tiffany, Courtney, Jonna, Jay, Owen, Harold, Carlos & Violetta

Votes for Jaiden: Eva

Votes for Bernie: None

Week 5 (Twist Over)[]

 POV Pre-Nom 
 Nominee 2 Votes 
 Evicted 7 Votes 

Following Chase's eviction the next Head of Household competition is held where Courtney wins. Courtney finally gaining the power she wanted so badly, talks to almost everyone about what they want. Bernie and Eva explain Owen and Noah are snakes and need to be dealt with. Noah and Owen say the same about Bernie and Eva. Courtney's alliance Tiffany, Jonna and Violetta want Eva to be evicted, so that Bernie will be alone and they will hopefully be able to use him later on. Courtney decides she will backdoor Eva, but needs two strong pawns to be nominated. The girls alliance begin with Bernie as the first pawn, plus if they stay the same he will go as he is the closest to Eva. Tiffany volunteers to be the second pawn. Courtney takes this into consideration, but also ponders if she should just nominate the non-threatening Jaiden, so she wouldn't have to put Tiffany in danger. At the nomination ceremony Courtney nominates Bernie and Tiffany, both as pawns. Eva feeling secure decides she will not campaign for Bernie so she won't be the target. Bernie feeling betrayed that Eva won't help him he goes to Jonna for advice. She tells him to win veto, so he will come down and hopefully Eva can be backdoored. At the veto choosing it is revealed that the third nominations twist is no more. Jaiden, Violetta and Carlos are chosen to play for POV. At the veto competition, Tiffany is the winner. With a replacement nomination needed Eva knows she could be in danger. She decides her best bet is to throw someone under the bus. Eva goes to Courtney and tells her Noah and Owen plan to cut her after Eva is gone. Courtney is skeptical, but believes Noah would try a move to put himself in a better position. Courtney asks her alliance if they should get rid of Noah instead of Eva, suggesting they could use Eva rather than Bernie. Jonna suggests to get rid of Eva now and Noah later since she wants Bernie to be more important. Tiffany and Violetta both think Noah is a snake and should be evicted now. At the veto ceremony Tiffany uses the POV on herself. Courtney decided to go with the majority of her alliance and nominate Noah for eviction. Blindsided Noah confronts Courtney hoping he is a pawn. Courtney explains what Eva told her and he is her target. Noah surprised by her accusations explains none of that is true and he wanted to go to the end with her and Owen, saying Eva completely lied to save herself. Angered Courtney confronts Eva about her lies in the game. Eva denies ever lying to Courtney and ignores her comments and Noah telling her otherwise. Courtney and Noah campaign for their alliances to save him and evict Bernie instead. By a vote of 7-2 Bernie is evicted.

Votes for Bernie: Tiffany, Jonna, Jay, Owen, Harold, Violetta, & Carlos

Votes for Noah: Jaiden & Eva

Week 6 (Double Eviction)[]

 Nominee 3 Votes 
 Evicted 5 Votes 

Following Bernie's eviction Jaiden pulls out a surprising win. Not knowing where to turn Jaiden asks Tiffany on where she should go. Tiffany explains they cannot work with Eva since she has pissed off the whole house throughout the weeks. Jaiden doesn't want to go back on her word, so she depends on pawns to stay on the block. Eva tells Jaiden they can trust the girls, but the guys not to much. Eva suggests Owen and Noah and have Noah be there target, but Jaiden explains she doesn't want to rock the boat to much. Jaiden wants to nominate Carlos and Owen as pawns and then "backdoor Noah". At the nomination ceremony Jaiden decides to nominate Carlos and Jay for eviction. She explains she has no ties with either of them and wishes them luck. Eva asks why Owen isn't nominated and Jaiden says she doesn't want to cause waves yet. Jaiden and Courtney talk about a backdoor plan for Eva. Courtney convinces her Eva needs to go or Jaiden will also be enemy number one. Jaiden decides it's for her best interest to distance herself from Eva. Harold, Violetta, and Jonna are chosen to play for veto where Jaiden gets her second win. With everyone thinking she is either backdooring Noah or Eva, Jaiden is in a hard place, so come veto ceremony time she freaks out and just doesn't use the POV. Eva believes the new plan is to target Carlos, Noah's alliance member. Jay tries to get in good with the girls, so Courtney wants Carlos to go to piss of Harold, whom she hates. By a vote of 5-3 Carlos is evicted.

Votes for Carlos: Tiffany, Courtney, Jonna, Eva & Violetta

Votes for Jay: Owen, Noah, & Harold

Part 2[]

 Nominee 0 Votes 
 Evicted 7 Votes 

Immediately after Carlos is evicted, it is revealed this week is a double eviction week. The house guests compete in the HOH competition where Eva is the winner. Eva believes the girls are with her so when her few minutes to decide are up she nominates Noah and Owen. At the next POV competition, Courtney, Jonna and Jaiden are chosen to play where Jonna is the winner. Jonna is worried one of her own alliance members could be a backdoor plan, so she decides she won't be using it. With no time to decide on who everyone is evicting, everyone is on board to target the stronger player. By a vote of 6-0 Noah is the second person evicted this week.

Votes for Noah: Tiffany, Courtney, Jonna, Jaiden, Jay, Violetta & Harold

Votes for Owen: None

Week 7 (Bribe)[]

 POV Pre-Nom 
 Nominee 0 Votes 
 Evicted 5 Votes 
 Evicted Bribe Taken 

Following Noah's eviction the next HOH competition is held, where there is also a BRIBE at stake. One by one people fall, but it seems no one wants to take the bribe. (Bribe rules above in twists). In the end Jonna takes the bribe and Jay is crowned the new Head of Household. Jay is seen as a wildcard since he hasn't made any set and stone alliances in the game. Jay wants to work with Courtney's alliance, but knows they could take him out easily when the time comes. Jay decides to make an alliance with himself, Eva, Tiffany and Harold. Tiffany wants Jay to be his new number one as Jonna has just left her. Eva and Harold are on board being pretty alone at this point. Harold suggests nominating Courtney and Violetta together. They are seen as a duo by this alliance. Eva throws Jaiden's name under the bus as a replacement if needed. At the nomination ceremony Jay reveals he is here to make big moves, so he nominates Violetta and Courtney for eviction. Courtney tries to reason with Jay to save her for the week, but Jay holds his own saying she is the biggest threat in the game. Courtney tries to convince him Eva is a bigger threat that needs to b handled ASAP. Harold, Tiffany and Owen are chosen to play in veto. At the POV competition Courtney is the winner. with a replacement nominee needed Jay knows Jaiden is a easy choice and Violetta will likely go, but Jay wants a bigger threat gone. At the Veto ceremony Courtney saves herself, also reminds Jay she will be coming after him. Jay decides to nominate Eva, so a big threat can go. Eva pissed off begins to terrorize the house knowing she very well may go. Courtney rallies the troops and everyone is on board to send her packing. By a vote of 5-0 Eva is evicted.

Votes for Eva: Tiffany, Courtney, Harold, Owen & Jaiden

Votes for Violetta: None

Week 8[]

 Nominee 0 Votes 
 Evicted 5 Votes 

After Eva is evicted the next HOH competition is held where Carlos, Noah, Jonna and Eva have a chance to win their way back into the game. In the end Jonna barley beats out Eva winning her way back into the game and Tiffany wins the HOH competition. With Jonna back into the house Tiffany doesn't need Jay anymore. With Courtney as her closest alliance member she is basically ordered to nominate Jay as their target. Tiffany agrees with her alliance, but is tired of playing for second place and wants to try to backdoor Courtney. Tiffany pulls in Jay and Jonna for a final three deal in hopes to get rid of Courtney and Violetta in the next two weeks. Knowing Violetta will save Courtney, Violetta will her her pawn. Tiffany decides she will nominate Owen as the second pawn, but insures Harold and Owen that as long as they evict the replacement they will be safe. At the nomination ceremony Tiffany nominates Owen and Violetta, blindsiding Courtney and Violetta. Courtney confronts Tiffany who explains Jay is the backdoor plan and she hopes Violetta will win POV. Harold, Courtney and Jonna are chosen to compete in the POV competition where Tiffany wins again. At the veto ceremony Courtney expects Tiffany to nominate Jay after using the veto on Violetta, but instead finds herself on the block when Owen is taken down from the chairs. Blindsided Courtney tries to rally votes against Violetta who promised Courtney she wouldn't campaign against her. Courtney fights hard, but with a 5-0 vote Courtney is evicted.

Votes for Courtney: Jaiden, Harold, Jay, Owen & Jonna

Votes for Violetta: None

Week 9 (Double Eviction)[]

 Nominee 2 Votes 
 Evicted 3 Votes 

Following Courtney's eviction the next HOH competition is held where Jonna is crowned the winner. Jonna promises Tiffany she will take her to final two no matter what. Tiffany and Jay accompany Jonna to discuss their target this week. They decide Violetta and Jaiden are the bigger threats rather than Harold and Owen, so that is where they are headed. At the nomination ceremony Jonna nominates Jaiden and Violetta. Violetta and Jaiden try to make a deal with Owen and Harold that whoever stays tries to get rid of those three being Jonna, Tiffany and Jay. Owen, Harold and Jay are chosen to play in POV. At the POV competition Jay is the winner. Jay knows Violetta is the target, but knows Owen and Harold may try to save her by evicting Jaiden. Jonna suggest they nominate Owen, so Harold is forced to evict Violetta. They contemplate this, but decide to keep the nominations the same. jay doesn't use the Veto leaving Violetta and Jaiden on the block. Owen and Harold try to save Violetta, by "convincing Jay to flip". Jay "agrees" to getting rid of Jaiden, but is lying. At the eviction the votes end in a tie, so Jonna breaks the tie by evicting Violetta sending her to jury.

Votes for Violetta: Tiffany, Jay & Jonna

Votes for Jaiden: Harold & Owen

Part 2[]

 POV Pre-Nom 
 Nominee 0 Votes 
 Evicted 3 Votes 

Immediately after Violetta is evicted another Double eviction is revealed. At this quick Head of Household competition Harold wins his first HOH of the summer. Harold decided he wanted to try to take Jonna out. Harold nominates Tiffany and Jonna for eviction. At the POV competition Jonna is the winner. Jonna saves herself, and Harold nominates Jay as the replacement. With Tiffany and Jay on the block Jonna wants to save Tiffany, but knows Jaiden and Owen are following Harold's plan to get rid of Tiffany, so by a vote of 3-0 Tiffany is evicted.

Votes for Tiffany: Jonna, Owen & Jaiden

Votes for Jay: None

Week 10[]

 Nominee 0 Votes 
 Evicted 2 Votes 

Following Tiffany's eviction the next HOH competition is held where Jay wins. Jay and Jonna plan to take Harold out as he is a bigger threat than Jaiden and Owen. Jay and Jonna tell Jaiden she won't be nominated, unless veto is used, so they suggest she tries to win. At the nomination ceremony, Jay nominates Owen and Harold for eviction. Harold tries to get Jonna and Jaiden to form a final three with him, so he'd be safe. Jaiden wants him to stay, but knows it could end her game. At the POV competition Jay is the winner. Jay doesn't use the veto. Harold continues to push Jonna and Jaiden to save him, but Jonna refuses leaving Jaiden in a tough spot. Jaiden knows she can't save him, so she goes along. By a vote of 2-0 Harold is evicted.

Votes for Harold: Jonna & Jaiden

Votes for Owen: None

Week 11[]

 POV Pre-Nom 
 Nominee 0 Votes 
 Evicted 1 Vote 

Following Harold's eviction the next HOH competition is held where Jaiden wins. At the nomination ceremony Jaiden nominates Jonna and Jay for eviction seeing them as a duo. At the POV competition Jonna is the winner and saving herself forces Owen onto the block. Owen expects to be evicted, but Jonna evicts Jay seeing him as the biggest competition.

Jonna's Vote: Jay

Week 12 (Finale)[]

 HOH Part 1 
 HOH Part 2 
 HOH Part 3 
 Nominee 0 Votes 
 Evicted 1 Vote 

It's Finale week and the first part of the final HOH is held where Jonna is the winner. Part 2 Jaiden is the winner and Jonna wins part 3. At the final eviction of the season Jonna evicts Jaiden.

Jonna's Vote: Jaiden

Jury Votes[]



 Winner 7 Votes 
 Runnerup 2 Votes 